A killer with the manners of a rabbit - this is the most dangerous kind.

Frank Herbert
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. - Anatole France

  2. Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become... - John Grogan

  3. If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. - James Herriot

  4. Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to. - Alfred A. Montapert

  5. Holding this soft, small living creature in my lap this way, though, and seeing how it slept with complete trust in me, I felt a warm rush in my chest. I put my hand on the cat's chest and felt his heart beating. The pulse... - Haruki Murakami

More Quotes By Frank Herbert
  1. There is no escape–we pay for the violence of our ancestors.

  2. The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.

  3. Whether a thought is spoken or not it is a real thing and it has power, " Tuek said. "You might find the line between life and death among the Fremen to be too sharp and quick.

  4. Guilt starts as a feeling of failure.

  5. Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class -- whether that class...

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